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'Find and Engage Your Tribe' Toolkit
Get Around
Get Started
Add the calendar
Slack announcements (3:29)
Consistent Income LIVE - Private Podcast Feed (1:33)
Program walkthrough (18:14)
Record your starting stats
Get started: VIP plans
'Expert Help' 1:1 Calls
Small Group Pods
Slack coaching (2:33)
Planners (10:44)
Consistent Income Calendar (4:23)
Consistent Income - LIVE! Private Podcast Feed (1:33)
Where do I start?
Determine if you need the 'Money Now' System or 'Consistent Income' System now (3:06)
Get started: Money Now
Get started: Consistent Income
Foundation: Identify Your Ideal Art Buyers
Create Your Ideal Art Buyer Map (21:32)
What is important to you? (Values exercise) (3:58)
Get Started with Your Orbit List Spreadsheet (7:19)
Add to your List: The Lowest Hanging Fruit (4:17)
Add to Your List: Continue Finding Ideal Art Buyers (11:44)
Record all leads to double your sales (16:30)
Bonus training: Edit my Ideal Art Buyer spreadsheet to bring in more leads (8:48)
Bonus training: Find 100 Ideal Art Buyers on Instagram in 10 days
How do I create leads from events? (5:15)
Foundation: Know Where to Spend Your Time
Create your four month plan
'Use your time better' Tool - Flexible blocks (most structure) (56:03)
'Use your time better' Tool - Four daily things (flexible momentum) (10:17)
'Use your time better' Tool - Can do list (low energy)
Bonus Workshop: Work WITH your energy, not against it (Seasons) (69:24)
Bonus Workshop: The Importance of Energy Management (85:37)
Foundation: Increase Your Income Potential
Know your numbers (13:44)
What should I sell? (window display + 3 tiers) (25:31)
Pricing for Success (18:04)
Bonus Q+A: What if my pricing doesn't line up with my goals? (20:16)
Bonus Q+A: What's the easiest way to do payment plans? (14:00)
Confidence: Create Momentum
The Easy Button (3:57)
Opportunities already around you (4:18)
What has already worked (6:55)
Simplest way to execute (7:57)
Inspired ideas (17:28)
One aligned action (7:22)
What do I feel like working on? (6:39)
Confidence: Face Your Fears
Why Face Fears? + 30 day challenge (15:13)
'When you're having trouble starting' Tool: Limiting Belief Examiner (4:19)
BONUS Workshop: Confidence and Conviction (93:29)
BONUS WORKSHOP: Make friends with what’s holding you back (125:12)
Confidence: Live Your Dream Life, Now
Hone your vision with a dream life meditation (30:08)
Create your affirmation (13:57)
Engage: Help Buyers Find You
How do I help buyers notice me? (10:54)
How do I help new people find me?
8 habits to keep your lead pipeline full (42:24)
Intro to invitations (3:44)
Intro to group invitations (26:11)
Bonus: Group Invite Examples (1:58)
Engage: Engage Your Tribe (Relationship Marketing)
Intro to personal invitations (18:53)
How do I talk about what I do in conversations? (8:40)
What do I do during my nurture time?
Conversation starters
Make any interaction stronger (types of contact) (8:37)
5 practices to nurture Ideal Art Buyers to lead to sales (60:35)
How to follow up when someone doesn't respond (13:26)
Engage: Connect with Content (Content Marketing)
Purpose of Your Content (9:32)
Which content method is best for me? (4:44)
Content Method 1 - Three Big Topics (11:40)
Content Method 1: Create your repeatable phrases (12:53)
Content Method 1 - Three Big Topics: Content Planner (10:29)
Content Method 1 - Finding more to write about in your content topics (13:00)
Content Method 2 - Content for Her: Casual Conversations (16:17)
Content Method 2 - Content for Her: Engaging real conversations (4:04)
Content Method 2 - Content for Her: Finding Topics (6:18)
Content Method 2 - Content for Her: Answering Her Questions (9:31)
Bonus Q+A: What types of content should I focus on? (9:39)
Bonus Checklist: Am I getting the most out of this piece of content?
Bonus Workshop: Guest Expert Jess Velarde on Reels! (92:12)
Intro to group invitations
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