Bonus Lesson: Go Deeper into Finding Your Ideal Art Buyer

In Lesson 1: A Simple Way to Connect with Your Buyers, you'll learn how to create a character that will help you decide who will buy your art. This is a great exercise to help you start to get clarity.

I recommend going even deeper by creating a profile of your ideal client - who they are, what they like, and what's important to them - so you'll know why they'll want to buy your art and how to market it to them.

This lesson will help you create that profile.

If you've done one of the Ideal Client Avatar exercises floating around the internet before, but had trouble, give this one a go. This lesson is focused on how the ICA exercise can work for you, the artist.

Download the notes, then watch both videos. You got this!

If you still run into issues organizing your thoughts on it and want to have somebody from the outside tailor it down because it's just so much to think about, check out Ideal Art Buyers Made Simple.

Download the notes:

Your Ideal Art Buyer Bonus Training.pdf

Watch the videos:

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